Friday, April 13, 2012

FO Friday: My Little Pony Feet

I finished my figit socks this week. This pair really reminds me of old school My Little Pony. They are just so punk rock girlie!

This is my second pair of socks from String Theory Colorworks. Their stripes are amazing! I tried my best to get the hot pink just right in the photos. And another round of applause for some great photo taking by a very patient SO. 

For more FO Friday, make sure to check out Tamis Amis!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Hands and Feet

I have several of the same WIPs going on this week without much progress, so I thought I would share just my latest. I know it's springtime, but I couldn't resist doing some colorwork. It was just calling my name. I started a pair of Endpaper mitts. The colorwork makes the knitting go so fast!

I'm making this set out of Berroco Ultra Alpaca light. These are going to be perfect for work. My workplace is freezing and its nice to be able to keep my hands warm and still be able to type.

See the cute little project bag? I made it! I'm so proud of how my progress is going with the sewing. I kind of went overboard on making project bags, so I put the extras that I made in my etsy shop.

For more WIP Wednesday, make sure to check out Tamis Amis!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

DFW Fiber Fest Fun!

As I teased yesterday, I finally am going to show off all the goodies I got at this year's DFW Fiberfest. I've missed the past two years because of work responsibilities, so I just had to make the most of it this year!

First off, Madelinetosh had a huge booth and I ended up in their corner more than once. I picked up some Tosh Merino light and and two skeins of their worsted merino cashmere blend. 

They also announced they are opening a store in Fort Worth!!! Good thing it is a bit of a drive over there, or my pocketbook would be empty.

Two skeins of The Alpaca Yarn Company Astral. It's a tencel and alpaca mix. It's so shiny and soft.

I picked up some beautiful wool from a local farm out in Lancaster, TX too. Brooks Farm Solona in the colorway Sol. It's more of a blueish-green. The color of this one was hard to capture in the photo.

And of course, since I'm trying to learn how to spin, I picked up some great fiber as well. Both are BFL, which was reccommended to me as easy for a beginner because of the long staple.

The beautiful purple is from Wooly Wonka Fibers and the blue and brown is from Two If By Hand.

I had so much fun finally being able to go to my local fiberfest. Now to spin/knit all these goodies up!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Feeling Red

As I looked into my WIP bag this week, I noticed something... I think I might be feeling a bit red. First up is a new set of stockinette self-stripey socks using Cherry Tree Hill in the colorway Black Cherry. The photo is via my new photobox setup my SO gave me for my birthday. Isn't he wonderful?

Next up is my Adeilse. She is growing slowing but steadily and is about 4 inches below the arm now. By the time I finish this one, the summer will probably be in full swing here in Texas. It was already 85 and humid this past weekend. She'll be nice in the fall though. 

Also in the picture is my new cake bag. Isn't it adorable? My brother bought it for me as a birthday gift at the DFW fiberfest. If you come back tomorrow, I'll show you all the great other goodies I got there. (Hint: It'll be soft and wonderful!)

Oh, and one more piece of news! I got a GREAT deal on a sewing machine that I've been eyeing for a while. I'm going to learn to sew! Oh, the project bags I could make....

Oh, and don't forget to visit Tami's Amis for more WIP Wednesday!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Holly Jolly Sunday #4

Hello everyone! It's another Holly Jolly Sunday! This week I finished another washcloth for my Christmas box. This one is a basic feather and fan and was a super quick knit. I finished this one in only a couple of hours.

I also finished a little Dinosaur from the book Teeny Tiny Mochimochi. This little guy only took me an hour to make! I honestly made this one to keep me company at work, but I think these might make great stocking stuffers for Christmas too.

I also wanted to mention this is my 100th post on the blog. I just wanted to thank you for coming by and cheering me on. The online community is just so amazing and I just love you guys. I'm adding the linky again this week. If you're working on an early Christmas gift or a gift in general, feel free to link. I love visiting everyone's blogs.

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