Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WIP Wednesday ~July 27th, 2011~

Woo! Look at me, I'm part of a meme! I've had one WIP Wednesday before, back before all hell broke loose with the moving and the lack of internet. At the time, I knew lots of blogs reported a Wednesday WIP, but I didn't know how big (or cool!) it is!  You can find other participants of WIP Wednesdays through Tami's blog: Tami's Ami's.  Lots of new blogs (and knits!) for me to stalk.

In WIP news, still working on the emergency baby blanket. (I have ~ 6 weeks, and I'm a sloooow knitter.)  Originally, the plan was just knit in three colors until I decided I was done and then sew them together in a random pattern followed up with an i-cord border. However, I had a little two much fun with my computer and started playing around with the colors and shapes until I found something that I really liked.


This coloring pattern would need:
24 Chocolate squares
12 Cream squares
13 Green squares

So far, I have 10 Chocolate Squares...

And 7 Cream Squares....

So much garter stitch is making me go insane.


In the making of this blog post, I noticed that 3 of my 7 cream squares were two rows shorter than all my other squares. In definition, they were not, well, square!  So late last night, I picked out the bind off and added two rows to each. My squares are now square!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Puppy Love


Our little puppy has been helping us move.  We've decided to name her Kera.

She has been an utter joy to have around and I can't stop taking pictures of her. It also doesn't help that she is a ham for the camera. If you don't believe me, here are a few of her best.

I mean, who can resist that face?


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Babies don't count!

A few months ago, I initiated the Knit Down the Stash plan. This plan had a few simple rules. Don't buy yarn being the primary rule.  I also made an exception: Babies don't count.  I made this rule simply because you never know when an unexpected surprise will fall into your lap. (No Mom, I'm not pregnant.)

One of the SO's family is now expecting, but is also seven months along and I just found out. I only have two months to prepare knitted awesomeness! Since my family is currently lacking in the baby department, I haven't had a chance to knit for a little one yet. So off to Micheal's I raced.  All of the yarn I have currently would not fit the bill of being easy care for the new mother, so I picked up six skeins of Loops & Threads Impeccable Solids in Cream, Chocolate, and Green  It's a 100% acrylic worsted weight yarn that is definitely easy care. (And I just found out that Micheal's has a reward program??)

I'm improvising the design for a baby blanket. With my busy moving schedule lately, I won't have much time to sit and knit something incredibly beautiful and intricate (and my SO reminded me that it would be throw up on a lot). Instead, I'm going to make a modular knit that I can carry around with me and finish piece by piece in the car going from apartment to house and house to apartment. The plan so far is to make a large number of garter stitch squares in three colors, stitch them together, and add an i-cord border.

Hey, does that make this my design? Nah, I'm sure someone has come up with this before.

In two days, I'm made 8 brown garter stitch squares approximately 5 inches x 5 inches. Seven in the picture and one more I finished on the way into work this morning. (I apologize for the low quality photo, again this was late at night and I couldn't get some more natural looking lighting.)


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bruised Socks

The last month has been a hectic one around here. We've bought a house, and having slowing moving in. I've been without internet access in the new place for about a month now. It's really frustrating and limiting, but we're making due and hopefully will get it installed soon.

We also got a puppy named Kera. Isn't she adorable? We think she is a Border Collie mix, but we'll see how she grows up. She has already proven herself to be super smart.

In knitting news, I've finally finished my bruised socks. I just love the black and blue contrast on these babies. With all the moving and puppy business, my knitting has been sadly neglected.  It'll be a relief when we are finally finished moving and I can curl up on the coach for a few hours with my needles again. With all this pent up knitting energy, I'm have a serious case of startitis.

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