Saturday, May 28, 2011

Knitting Down the Stash - Day 1

After another impulse buy from Eat Sleep Knit, I decided to pull out my entire stash. I hadn't pulled all of my yarn for quite a while. This is how much I've accumulated in my stash in the past year. Can anyone else see the color themes here?

And half of this stash is sock yarns, enough for about 10 months worth of socks. This doesn't even count the socks that are on the needles:

I've decided to knit down my stash. At the speed that I knit, it'll take over a year.  I don't know how long I'll hold on. I love to go to yarn stores and stalk the online ones as well. I'm going to have to set up some rules for myself to make sure I stick with it. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Your stash is not so bad. You and I have similar amounts. I figure it would take me a yearish to knit it all. I also have a few months of spinning fiber on the shelves. If you really want to pare down, knit two skeins for everyone new one you buy. See a yarn you LOVE? Can't have it unitl you knit two skeins. I bet you can knit two skeins pretty quickly if you put your mind to it.


I would love to hear what you think!

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