Friday, September 30, 2011

Wineberry Socks

The wineberry socks are complete. The pattern is Susan Avin's Blackrose from Knittyspin Winter 2008, with a few modifications.

I cast on the sock a size higher than I needed. Then, after two repeats of the lace pattern, I did two sets of decreases in the stockinette on either side of the panel. This let the sock fit higher up on my leg since I was planning on doing additional leg repeats than what the pattern called for.

I also framed the lace panel with two purl stitches on either side to give the socks a bit more stretch.  I find if I don't add ribbing, the sock that fits over my heel tends to actually be too big around the ankle.


I used Dream in Color Everlasting Sock in the Color Wineberry.  (Look for a later review on this yarn for a full synopsis of my feelings towards it.) The stitch definition with this yarn is just wonderful. Now, on to what my SO calls "The Sock Pron"!

I also want to give a special shout out to the very patient man on the other side of the camera who agreed to take these pictures at 7 a.m. before I went to work. Didn't the SO do an AMAZING job? He recently started blogging, and if you're interested in firearms or bladesmithing, check him out.

For more FOs, make sure to check out Tamis Amis.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WIP Wednesday ~September, 28th 2011~

I was a bad, bad, bad blogger last week and was unable to find the time to post my Wednesday WIP.  I mentioned in my last post that I had very little to report for the week, but I was a very busy bee in the evenings once I escaped the lab.  Sadly, my late evening escapes left me few options on natural light for my knitting photos.

Vivian is slowly growing on the needles. I'm about 20 rows from starting the yoke. Or, what I think is the yoke... My sweater lingo needs a bit of work.  Anyway, I'm about 20 rows from where I would start attaching the sleeves. Speaking of which, I need to start those.

Lastly, I've finally started knitting up my latest design. After a lot of sketches, few swatches, and a lot of notes, I was so excited to cast on!  This is probably all I'll show until its complete. (Don't want to give away the surprise!) Can you guess what it is?

Make sure to stop back by Friday to see the finished Wineberry Socks and check out Tami's Amis to stalk more blogger WIP Wednesdays.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Little to Report

Whew, what a week!

In the lab, I'm working on a very long-term experiment that technically started about 2 months ago now. However, this week was the beginning of the most labor intense portion of the study. This portion results in an eleven to twelve hour workday, seven days a week, and lasts between three to four weeks. (Woo....)  Needless to say, this is going to seriously cut into my knitting time.

So this post could be about several things...

I could show you my little progress on my knitting since I missed WIP Wednesday this week. (the Wineberry Socks or the Vivian Sweater)  But the socks haven't grown, and I'm stuck in the lab with no Viv.

I could tell you about how awesome my research is...but I kind of want to keep my science and my knitting at least somewhat separate. And I find a lot of people's eyes start to glaze over when I go down that road. Lets just say the brain is cool. 

So, I leave you with my favorite Brain video. Enjoy.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Its an FO Friday!

And finally, the Patchwork Baby Blankie is finished. 

It took five skeins of Vanna's Choice yarn, with lots of the cream left over.  I'm not to sure about my yarn choice. I chose Vanna's Choice for washability and durability, and it seemed soft enough in the skein and while I was knitting, but after I pulled it out of the dryer it seemed rougher than before I washed it. I'm hoping as it gets used it'll become a little softer.  Does anyone have advice on softening up acrylic?

Harley likes it too!

I'm shipping it out this weekend. Hopefully, it'll get lots of use in its new home. Happy Birthday, Little One!

If you wanna see more Finished Object Friday, check out Tami's Amis.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dizzy Strikes Again

More yarn snuck into my house tonight! Of course, it was welcomed happily.

Okay, I'll be honest.  I was unable to pull myself away from Dizzy's Labor Day Spin Off.  Typically, they offer one deal a day of discounted yarn, but for Labor Day and several other holidays they have special events where a new yarn is posted for sale for a limited amount of time.  I think trying to purchase something before it's sold out definitely brings out the competitiveness in me!

I got some great stuff this time. And each yarn is something I haven't tried before. I never get tired of trying out new yarn.

Dream in Color Starry in Raspberry Blaze. This yarn is screaming "I must become a shawl. NOW!"

Holiday Yarns FlockSock in Night Fury - I was hoping that this yarn was black and green. I was imaging Wicked Witch of the East socks. In person, it looks more like a dark bluish-gray. It's still very pretty, just wasn't what I was expecting.

Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in Malachite - its just beautiful - I didn't know yarn could become that green.

And lastly, Classic Elite Inca Alpaca in a lovely neutral tone (The colorway doesn't have a name) I was especially excited because this was my mystery Bag of Knit. I didn't know what I was gonna get until it was on my doorstep. I just love suprises.
If you haven't been to, take a look. You can also get 10% off your first order using the Coupon Code REFU244C3DK9.

Happy Knitting Everyone!

WIP Wednesday ~ September 14th, 2011~

Another week, another WIP Wednesday.  I've been very thankful for participating in WIP Wednesdays, it is keeping me posting as the week just flies by!

So whats up this week?

Vivian is coming along nicely.  Its doubled in size since last week, and I've started the waist shaping.  I'm really liking this project so far. The pattern is easy to memorize but has plenty in the different cables to keep me interested. 

Likewise, I'm liking the yarn for the project. It's the first time I'm used Knitpicks' Wool of the Andes Bulky, and its very different from my experience I've had with the worsted weight version. The Bulky weight seems much softer and the stitch definition so far is just awesome. Look at those cables pop!

I'm also still chugging along on my Wineberry Socks, which have become my designated On-the-go project. The heel turn is now complete and I'm almost finished with the gusset. This yarn was also a first-timer with me. (When it comes to yarn, I have to try 'em all.) I'm using Dream in Color Everlasting Sock. The color is gorgeous, and I really wish I could get a truer hue with my camera of the rich purples of this yarn. Another component about DiC Everlasting is that it's the first 8 ply yarn I've used, and the first socks I'll be making without any nylon content.  I'm really curious to see how they hold up.  The name does have me asking "How everlasting are they?"

There is one small detail about these socks that are bothering me. You can't tell in the picture, but it bright light one sock is definitely darker than the other one.  Curious, considering I'm knitting them 2 at a time from both ends of the same cake. I'm hoping as I knit they'll merge into the same hue as I reach the middle of the cake.

If you want more WIP Wednesday Awesomeness, check out all my fellow crafters over at Tami's Amis.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WIP Wednesday ~September 7th, 2011~

I know, I know! I promised to show a finished blankie last friday.  I still have about 12 inches of i-cord left on it.  I have a confession...

I got distracted. I was distracted by cables and seed stitch and charts. How can applied I-cord compete? Vivian is so much fun to work on, and I feel so clever after each cable.  Another great thing about this new project is its just flying off the needles. Bulky yarn is awesome!



For more WIP Wednesday projects, check out Tami's Amis for all your fiber stalking needs.
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