I cast on the sock a size higher than I needed. Then, after two repeats of the lace pattern, I did two sets of decreases in the stockinette on either side of the panel. This let the sock fit higher up on my leg since I was planning on doing additional leg repeats than what the pattern called for.
I also framed the lace panel with two purl stitches on either side to give the socks a bit more stretch. I find if I don't add ribbing, the sock that fits over my heel tends to actually be too big around the ankle.

I used Dream in Color Everlasting Sock in the Color Wineberry. (Look for a later review on this yarn for a full synopsis of my feelings towards it.) The stitch definition with this yarn is just wonderful. Now, on to what my SO calls "The Sock Pron"!
I also want to give a special shout out to the very patient man on the other side of the camera who agreed to take these pictures at 7 a.m. before I went to work. Didn't the SO do an AMAZING job? He recently started blogging, and if you're interested in firearms or bladesmithing, check him out.
For more FOs, make sure to check out Tamis Amis.