Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WIP Wednesday ~April 27th, 2011~

Holey Crap! It's Wednesday again? How do these things keep creeping up on me?

The days start to blur together when weekends don't exist for a few weeks, but I'm starting to finally see some data at the end of the tunnel. (Yay Science!) I'm presenting what I've come up with so far to The Bossman and the labmates tomorrow. Here's hoping I make it through another public speaking endeavor.

Oh yeah, I was supposed to be knitting this week too...

My Bruised Socks has been chugging along. I'm passed the gusset on this first one. Again, Lab Rat was willing to model it today while I'm trapped in the lab after hours.  I hope no one walked by while I was taking this picture, I probably looked pretty goofy getting him ready for his close-up.

My lacy shawl has been sadly neglected. Its been too hectic for anything needing concentration. I've also been working on the sock blankie this week, adding about 6 squares. It's definitely a great project for when I need to knit, but can't think clearly enough for anything complicated. Sadly, I do not have some new pictures for you of the blankie since I'm lab bound for a while, but Blankie will get it's own post soon enough!


  1. I got plenty of old sock yarn for your blankie! And by "plenty", I mean i have 3 different skeins so far and will have a few more soon enough ;)

    Argyle 2 is looking really good! I underestimated the power of that yarn! :)

  2. Beautiful blue, knitting, and model. Very clever. I'll bet a passerby will enjoy the entertainment.

    Try wearing your sock...on your back...against cold on your hands attempting to get some decent shots to send to designer...LOL

    Thanks for your cheers on my Violins Socks, Sarah. Happy Spring!


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