Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WIP Wednesday - First Edition!

This is my first edition of WIP Wednesdays.  I saw this suggestion on The Blog Hub group on Ravelry, and thought it might give my blog a little more structure. So, what's on my needles?

Bruised Socks
These are are a simple 2x2 ribbing sock (60 stitches) in Claudia Handpainted Yarn (Argyle2). These socks were a pain to get started. I was having terrible pooling problems with splotches of black, but finally found a stitch count/pattern combo that shows off the colors beautifully.

I'm almost too proud of the name "Bruised Socks". Get it? They're black and blue!

Lab Rat love handknit socks!

Misti Alpaca Swallowtail Shawl
As my first laceweight lace project, I've also cast on and ripped it this poor little thing at least a half a dozen times before I learned about lifelines.



  1. All very nice! I have been meaning to do WIP Wednesdays for years. One of these days...

  2. love your lab rat!!
    (and that sock yarn is gorgeous!)


I would love to hear what you think!

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