Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Be a Knitwit! Designs Grand Opening

It's offical! I'm opening my own little shop on etsy. I'm SO excited to share my stitch markers with everyone!

My little corner of etsy is Be a Knitwit! Designs. Right now, I'm slowly stocking the shop up with all different kinds of stitch markers. Make sure to keep checking back to see the newest additions.


  1. Great selections in your store! I hope you have lots of fun making them and coming up with new designs :-)

  2. yay for you! i'm headed over to check it out right now!!

  3. Those are adorable! I have a shop on there, but have never posted anything in it. I have heard so many other people say that they never made a sale, or very few. I am heading over there right now to take a peek. How is your store doing?

  4. Those are adorable! I have a shop on there, but have never posted anything in it. I have heard so many other people say that they never made a sale, or very few. I am heading over there right now to take a peek. How is your store doing?


I would love to hear what you think!

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