Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stitch Marker Madness

I may have done a bad, bad thing: a new obsession. I went to the craft store yesterday specifically to purchase a zipper for an almost completed sweater. I was struck over the head with a sale for quite adorable beads that very quickly overcame my basket. Yep, they just jumped right it there. I swear! I got home and quickly made my first sticker marker.Then I made two dozen more... The fishies were just too cute! 

Then... I made these... I might need to figure out what to do with them all if I keep this up.

And for my A month of craft photo, it was rainy and too dreary to try to do the day's prompt "Inspiration Outdoor" outside. So I tried to make my own outdoors. My idea was for it to be beady fish swimming through a sea of yarn. Yep, this is me, trying to be artsy.


  1. You will always need stitch markers because they run away and hide themselves whenever you need them. I'm always making stitch markers and always running out of "nice ones". If you really make loads, stick them on ETSY!

  2. Those fishies are soooo cute! They really make me want to get some stitch marker that are nicer to look at than my plain rubber ones.

  3. Very cute! I need to try making myself some.

  4. you're adorable - and so are your stitch markers!
    i like your invented outdoor photo. "when life gives you grey skies, make a yarny ocean." that's a saying, right?


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