Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 2: Craft tools

Today's prompt for a month of craft photos is "Craft Tools".  I photographed my favorite needles, my signatures. Make sure to check out the Flickr group for more great photos. I was surfing through there yesterday. Wow, there are some awesome ones that are an inspiration for me to get even more practice.

Hopefully, I can participate in tomorrow's FO Friday and the photo prompt for tomorrow.  I rolled my ankle leaving the last of my doctor's appointments yesterday. It's pretty swollen and I'm not sure I'll be able to get some good photos with my new socks.

Well, thats what I get for being clumsy and missing that last stair!


  1. Ohhh, sorry to hear about your ankle. I hope it feels better very soon!

  2. wait, you twisted your ankle *at* the doctors?!? that really doesn't seem fair.

    i hope you heal quickly. are you icing it regularly?
    please take good care of yourself.

    1. It wasn't that kind of doctor, but yeah, the irony is almost too much :)

  3. I am so sorry! I know exactly what you feel. I do it often.


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