Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday - The Unzipped Vivian

Happy belated Valentine's Day everyone! I just had to share the flowers I received this year from my Dad. Aren't they beautiful? It's a tradition we have. He's given me a flower every year on valentines since I was two. Every year they are so gorgeous and I really still am a Daddy's girl. :)

In knitting news, Vivian has been sorely neglected since the beginning of January. Why? Because I can't sew. I've finished the knitting, the weaving in the ends, the blocking. Hell, I've even pinned the zipper in place.

And I made a total mess of the sewing. I'm hoping to give it another try this week. And if I'm REALLY lucky. Vivian might be ready for an FO Friday soon.

In an attempt not the realize that Vivian is sitting in timeout until I have time to pick out my terrible knotted attempt at what some might call "sewing", I cast on another cardigan. Ardelise is an open sweater, so there will be no sewing!

I'm finding the construction to be a bit interesting and a little different than top down sweaters I've done before. Ardelise starts in the middle of the lace collar and knits out both directions. I picked this pattern because I thought it was elegant, and simple. That little lace repeat is showing me otherwise! It's growing a little slow right now because I keep missing yarn overs and having to go back. I can't believe I'm looking forward to the miles of stockinette that will be in my future with this one.

For more WIPity goodness, see the other blogs participating in today at Tami's Amis.


  1. Hi Sarah,

    The lace project looks wonderful, very interesting. I hope you have luck with the zipper, it would be a shame not to wear, it looks gorgeous!


  2. I have a sweater that needs a zipper that has been sitting around since January 2011,... I'm really thinking about just crocheting some button loops at this point.

  3. Good luck sewing, are you doing it by hand? The lace looks great, I love the colour you chose.

  4. It's a pretty colour. I'm pretty terrible about missing yarn overs as well, so I can totally relate. Gorgeous roses! How sweet of your Dad!

  5. the lace cardigan/shawl is gorgeous - really pretty colour too. good luck with the sewing.

  6. My sewing is the thing that often lets me down - maybe you could have a look for some tutorials or something.. see if there is a simpler way of doing it...?

    Hope you get it done.

  7. Dont worry, you are not alone in your fear of sewing! I would've run the other way from that sweater! Hope you have more sewing success in the future!

    I love the color of your new sweater though, what sort of yarn are you using?

  8. I'm so excited to see Vivian! But I feel your pain on the zipper. I've had do to one so far. I took it to my next door neighbor so she could show me how to do it, and she sewed the whole thing in in 5 minutes. It was a miracle. I'd happily loan her to you!

  9. I hope you'll get the sewing done. I always make my mom do things like that, but I guess I have to try to make friends with my sewing machine soon. There is so many things I'd like to sew...

  10. If I were closer I would offer to sew it in for you. You'll get it! I like the stitch pattern on the new one you have started, very nice.

  11. Sewing in zippers is hard!! Stick with it and it will work out :o) I like the color on your new project - it will be fun to see it grow.

  12. i've never sewn in a zipper - good luck!
    you can do it!!


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