Friday, February 3, 2012

FO Friday: Something old, something new, something black, and something blue

The swelling on my rolled ankle went down enough today for me to be able to put on my newest FO: Cherenkov Radiation Socks. Sadly, I could only pose for one quick picture, then I figured it would be for the best to put them on the sock blockers. (If the SO saw me on my feet, I'd be in BIG trouble ;-)  )
Can you tell which ankle is swollen?

I'm quite proud of how well they match.  If you're looking for super fun self-striping yarn, I completely recommend String Theory Colorworks. Luckily, they stock on Fridays sometime between 9 am and 1 pm central time, so you might just catch something there. I'm still trying to nab my favorite from them: Electron.

Todays prompt in A Month of Craft Photos is "An Old FO". I chose my first pair of completed intricate socks that I knit almost two years ago. I believe the pattern is Wanida by Cookie A. knit in Imagination yarn by Knitpicks in the colorway Lullaby. These were made long before I understood how to alter patterns to fit over my heel better, so I wasn't even going to attempt to get these on with the swollen ankle. I still tried to be a bit artsy with the photo.

Oh, and Tippy wanted to make sure she said "Hello" to everyone! For more beautiful finished objects, make sure to check out Tamis Amis. And for more in A Month of Craft Photos, please do check out all the gorgeous photography in the Flickr group.


  1. These stripes are amazing, I would never guess it's a self-striping yarn!

  2. Love the striped socks, they look fab! Great job matching them too :)

  3. Super cute socks! Can't believe it's a self-striping yarn!

  4. The striped socks look lovely. What pattern did you use?

    1. I made these by memory. They're just a standard 2x2 ribbing with a heel flap. I figured something simple would show off the yarn best. :)

  5. Fabulous socks! I love that striping yarn, too cool!

  6. The stripped socks look fantastic. My dog Benji says a big hello to Tibby :-)

  7. The socks are great! The toes look like they have smiles on them. Your first pair of socks look fab. Tippy is cute!

  8. Your socks are beautiful! I hope your ankle is better soon:)

  9. Love both pairs of socks. Hope your ankle feels better soon.

  10. Well.. hello Tippy! You are so cute!

    love your stripy socks! I tried sock knitting and found out that I'm not a sock person. the one sock I knitted is still waiting for its pair after 3 years. ;-)

  11. Great colors in your socks. Good job on the matching stripes, something I struggle with. Tippy is cutie.

  12. I love how the black striping showed up just a bit on the tip of the toe! Tippy is quite adorable too.

  13. Both pairs of socks look great, but I especially love the stripey pair. So cool!

    Hope the ankle feels better soon :)

  14. Those are really adorable socks. I love the pattern on the second and the Lullaby is just gorgeous!

  15. Really cute! Love the stripes! And hope your ankle is feeling much better!

  16. loe the stripes - especially the little black bits right on the tips of your toes!
    glad too that your ankle is feeling better - i can't tell from the photo that you're swollen at all.

    and oh tippy. what a cutie.


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